Jul 25, 2011

My new website is up!!!
Please go check it out-http://cargocollective.com/alexandriadaniels .More photos will be up soon.
Today I got some Fujifilm and a new tripod today. I'm so happy! Now, I can take portraits without using stacks of books as a tripod.

Jul 24, 2011

I recently purchased a Canon Rebel 2000. My very first SLR! These are some of the test shots that I just scanned (sorry, it's not the best scanner). Some I'm o.k with. Some were just horrible! All taken using Kodak Ultra Max 400.
By the way, the first was originally in color but I converted it to b/w. I prefer it that way.

Jul 15, 2011

July 14- Adolescence
Nature shots taken a few months ago.

Jul 11, 2011

These 2 photos are new and experimental.
I'm gonna try to revamp my old style for my digital photography,
Back to when it looked more like this...

and this

 and the like. 
I hope you enjoy!

Also, I'm getting my own 35mm SLR. Expect film photography soon.

Jul 6, 2011

 July 6
Fragments of femininity.

Jul 5, 2011

July 3- The Harbor
Visiting Ventura Harbor with Sarah and her family

July 2- Twenty-one
Spent a few days at Sarah's house, celebrating her 21st birthday.