Nov 19, 2011

Kodak Gold 200
Canon Rebel EOS 2000


  1. Ugh, such gorgeous rich colors! I can't even explain how jealous I am, it's officially winter in Finland and it gets dark so early, it's almost as if there was no light at all.
    The last picture is my favourite, it's touching but without being obvious in any way. And of course, the yellow and the blue and the stripes in the first shot... Just lovely.

  2. @Dzo- Thank you! ^^
    @Helen- I'm jealous of YOU! Your photos produce the best colors. It is fall in the U.S. Love it, but I can't wait for winter. Your comment means a lot to me. Thank you! <3
    @Dana- Thank you dear! :)
    @Martina-Thank you! The light I get in this room amazing! :)

  3. the use of light in these looks amazing, lovely blog you have here

  4. playing with light and shadow - I LOVE IT! especially the one with your hand

  5. I love these shots, and I LOVE your hair! Great blog!


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