Mar 13, 2010

Human Macro

Today, I've been thinking alot of about macro shots. Specifically, how do you make'em? Well, I don't own a 50mm lens so how can I make them with a point and shoot camera? After rereading some tutorials on macro photography for point and shoot cameras- and here- I started to experiment with my Nikon camera. Though it doesn't have 50mm lens, its a 5.0-75.0mm and has a macro mode. So I figured it'll still be possible. Yeah! So this morning, I thought I try experimenting with macro photography using my eyes. Thinking its a great start.

Here are some of my original pics (before any editing took place)

Alrighty! I have some up-close human macro shots. I apologize for not wearing makeup. I'm getting off a cold and I was in no mood, nor had the patience, to put on makeup. Plus this experiment was just in the spur of the moment.  Anyway! So, after I've taken these pics I've decided to edit them. BTW, I have taken more pics then these, but I like these two the most. In the editing process, I first thought about what style. The usual cross process wasn't going to do, so instead I used the vintage film effect seemed better. Within that effect I only used the base. Then, I messed with the curves, used alot of ISO reduction (my little Nikon lacks ISO manual control), levels, color balance, sharpness, and bright/contrast to give my own touch. Here's the finished product for both photos.

I like how they turned out! But then I thought..."hey! some BOKEH would be cool with this!" I tried some bokeh textures witht he first photo and failed miserably. Can't say the same for the second photo. For the bokeh layer, I changed the levels and toned mapped it. Thinking the texture won't darken the background image. When I toned mapped the bokeh layer, it duplicated it, making the duplicated layer with an opacity of 90%. I only took the toned mapped layer. If I didn't, you'll get two layers of bokeh with one that's darker than the other. Here's the finished product!

Honestly, I like it! The bokeh gave the photo a whole new meaning and deeper emotion  than the one without bokeh.

I'm thinking about putting the first two (the ones without bokeh) in to diptych. Maybe....

But I hope you like them.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, you also have a blogger account! That's nice, Blogger its the platform that I use the most. I'll follow you here. Nice to "meet" you.



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